Queezy (b. 1992, Cape Town) is an multidisciplinary artist bridging theintersections of fine art, fashion, and performance. From printmaking andvideography to drag performances and DJ sets, QUEEZY creates immersive worlds, where fantasy meets the radical subversion of the status quo. At oncetheatrical and personal, Heneke’s works upbend and expand what it means to be queer and coloured in South Africa, subverting constructions of masculinity, sexuality, and corporeality. Salient themes of gendered norms and identity politics are met with craftsmanship and authenticity, generating artworks which are as aesthetically engaging as they aresocially engaged. Ultimately, Queezy aims to create interactive experiences wherenormativity gives way to spaces for protest, empowerment, and celebration.
Queezy attended Belgravia art school where they received training inpottery, painting, sculpture, and graphic design.